Casper Office

Rock Springs Office

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Together everyone
achieves more!

NOWCAP Services values the positive relationships we foster within the communities we serve.

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The benefits of working when you have a disability.

* The earnings you make while working can affect your Social Security.

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You contribute something meaningful to something larger than yourself through your work and this can help you feel like you have accomplished something important.

Take the next step!

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We are social creatures who crave a sense
on belonging. When you are working towards common goals with co-workers you feel a sense of belonging.

Have you ever considered?

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Your sense of identity and self-worth can be enhanced through meaningful work. Even if you only work a few hours, you are giving of yourself and this feels good.

Get more information.


carfNOWCAP Services’ Statement of Quality is the core belief that guides the actions and attitudes of the organization. It represents the core priorities in the organization’s culture, including what drives those priorities and how they are truly reflected within the organization. 

1. A promise made is a promise kept.

NOWCAP Services builds and maintains trusting relationships through being honest and acting with integrity.

2. Every person is unique.

NOWCAP Services creates individualized opportunities for people with disabilities.

3. Teamwork is the key to each person’s success.

NOWCAP Services’ employees are dedicated to meeting the needs of each person who is served and treat every stakeholder in a professional and ethical manner.

4. Together everyone achieves more.

NOWCAP Services values the positive relationships we foster within the communities we serve.

Nowcap Services

Would you like to make a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities?

It is as simple as donating, as your tax-deductible donation will go towards providing additional recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities!  You can also support NOWCAP Services in furthering recreational opportunities for clients with gifts that do not affect your current income and gifts that last beyond your lifetime through planned giving.  This includes gifts from your will or trust, retirement plan, stock or appreciated assets, life insurance or real estate and other personal property.  Tax-deductible donations in the form of check or money order may be sent or delivered to NOWCAP Services at 345 North Walsh Drive, Casper, Wyoming, 82609. 

We thank you for your support!

NOWCAP Services is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 


We offer nationally accredited supports to adults and children 17 and older with all types of disabilities in Natrona, Converse and Sweetwater counties. Contact one of our offices today for more information.

345 North Walsh Drive
Casper, WY 82609

(307) 237-9146 
(307) 234-1029/FAX


Rock Springs
79 Winston Drive, Suite 136
Rock Springs, WY 82901

(307) 522-5097
(307) 522-5699/FAX